1: Team774(東京都) (2段) 2022/07/13(水) 18:34:41.45

DEL48 and MUB48 announces closure

YKBK48 Entertainment Pvt Ltd., which managed the ‘DEL48’ & ‘MUB48’ brands, will be closing following cessation of operations during COVID

New Delhi, 13th July 2022: We regret to inform you that YKBK48 Entertainment Pvt Ltd, holder of the DEL48 & MUB48 brands, will be closing up its operations.

A nearly four-year-old Company, YKBK48 Entertainment Pvt Ltd cited COVID as the reason for the cessation of its activities and subsequent permanent closure.

Shortened from ‘Delhi’ and ‘Mumbai’ respectively, ‘DEL48’ & ‘MUB48’ was premised on the concept of ‘Idols you can meet’, with the aim to create India’s next biggest female idols. The Group was slated to be involved in diverse entertainment industry activities including theater performances, concerts, music record release, movie, fans event, media appearance (TV, newspaper, magazine, radio, web etc.), corporate tie-ups etc.

We started with 22 artist and started our operation from November 2019, however, due to Covid situation in India since March 2020, we have not been able to bounce back to start the operation. After the release of Kade Haan Kade Naa, we were planning to start the operation, however, due to unstable situation of Covid in India, we are decided to close the work of DEL48 and MUB48.

no title


8: Team774(光) 2022/07/13(水) 18:40:37.47

14: Team774(東京都) 2022/07/13(水) 18:53:01.86

22: Team774(茸) 2022/07/13(水) 19:21:28.33

29: Team774(日本) 2022/07/13(水) 20:00:17.43

37: Team774(神奈川県) 2022/07/13(水) 20:33:17.12



現地運営会社(YKBK 48 Entertainment Private Limited)は協議・検討を重ね活動再開を計画しておりましたが、引き続きインドにおける新型コロナウィルスの不安定な状況 から、「DEL48」及び「MUB48」の事業をいったん終了する運びとなりました。

これまで、世界中の沢山の皆様から応援いただきましたことを深く御礼申し上げます。 活動終了における各種アナウンス・お問合せにつきましては「DEL48」「MUB48」オフィシャルサイトにてご確認ください。

38: Team774(東京都) 2022/07/13(水) 20:42:02.82

70: Team774(埼玉県) 2022/07/15(金) 03:10:27.75

引用元: ★★★

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